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exhibitions and meet ups


Make it strange
Aliens in Porta Capuana

Workshop with the artist in residence Olga Tsvetkova in collaboration with Aste&Nodi.

Saturday 15 February 2025 from 10 am to 3 pm

Free admission

A morning workshop on performative practices to explore the city. We will use movement to explore the surroundings of Porta Capuana and discover, like aliens, places and sensations that these places convey to us.



10-11 Morning disco

11-12 Strangeness Everywhere
12-13 Lunch Break

13.30-14.30 Map of the Unusual


The Sun to come

Opening to the public Saturday 1 March, 11:00 am  - 9:00 pm

Fondazione Made in Cloister presents the group exhibition

‘Il Sol dell'Avvenir’, inaugurating the biennial programme REBIRTH curated by nonlineare - independent curatorial initiative

Artists in the exhibition: Alexandra Sukhareva, Anastasia Ryabova, Carmela De Falco, Clément Cogitore, Dahn Vo, Hiwa K, mountaincutters, Olga Tsvetkova, Reena Spaulings, Renato Leotta



Fondazione Made in Cloister launches the biennial program REBIRTH

conceived and developed by nonlineare - independent curatorial initiative

The program investigates the concept of rebirth in relation to the global crises and transformations of our time and will be developed through exhibitions, symposia, residencies and research activities with and for the community.


Ten years after its establishment, the Made in Cloister Foundation, through a two-year programme, consolidates its mission of urban regeneration through art, initiated with the transformation and rebirth of the Chiostro Piccolo of the 16th-century complex of Santa Caterina a Formiello.

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Refettorio Made in Cloister

the social project in collaboration with Food for Soul

every Monday in the Foundation

The social soup kitchen born in 2019 from the collaboration between Fondazione Made in Cloister and Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore's Food for Soul, which every Monday from 2019 prepares nutritious meals from the recovery of surplus food from the markets, to be destined for the Porta Capuana community.


Taking care of the square

Piazza Enrico De Nicola

Porta Capuana

The City of Naples has entrusted the care and management of Piazza Enrico De Nicola, the entrance area of the Santa Caterina Complex and the former Bourbon Woolen Mill, to the Made in Cloister Foundation.

This is an important step for our urban regeneration project, which can weld the balance between cultural heritage and city life so that the beauty of the square can enrich the life of our community.

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La Direttrice Audrey Azoulay in Fondazione Made in Cloister per il programma "Cultural Heritage in the 21st century

Il Papa incontra l'arte

Made in Cloister fra i 200 del mondo dell'arte invitati ad incontrare il Papa nel luogo forse più identificativo del rapporto arte e chiesa: la Cappella Sistina.

Our most beautiful moments: the installations, our friends, the concerts, those who work with us, those who support us, the events organized

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