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Aljoscha Art, nature e spaces from 11th of February

Fondazione Made in Cloister

Updated: May 25, 2023

Symmetrical movements, gentle and at the same time hard, forms that refer to cellular structures and fabrics coexist in architectural contexts that in turn are interconnected with nature.

dal catalogo della mostra THE GATES OF THE SUN AND THE LAND OF DREAMS

The artist Aljoscha with his objects fits into an ancient tradition of relationship and interdependence between art and nature that has its roots in the Greek and Roman culture of landscape mimesis for ornaments and architectural elements.

dal catalogo della mostra THE GATES OF THE SUN AND THE LAND OF DREAMS

The idea of bringing architecture to life traces the concept of nature as the master of creativity in general and architecture in particular. Indeed, Aljoscha, with his language of forms, which he borrows from textiles and cells, aims to bring his work and its respective context to life.

dal catalogo della mostra THE GATES OF THE SUN AND THE LAND OF DREAMS

Aljoscha, who connects art and nature and art and science with his sculptures, has relentlessly sought out historical places that would dialogue with his works, constructing a new living space predominated by clarity and proportion.

dal catalogo della mostra THE GATES OF THE SUN AND THE LAND OF DREAMS

The artist reflects these observations with his synthetic objects usually made of acrylic, silicone and a fragile latticework that refers to organic textiles. By creating a connection between the organic forms of nature and artistic creation, Aljoscha opens the view to the architecture of space.

We look forward to seeing you at the Foundation to discover Composing Bioethical Chioces, artist Aljoscha's first Italian exhibition from February 11, 2023.



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